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Music curriculum


The study of Music is essential to developing a young person's identity and to help them make sense of who they are and how they fit into today’s world, its study will develop critical thinking, the skills of evaluation and refining and the ability to work with others.  As a truly Universal Language it can unite us, help us to express our emotions and communicate with others either through our listening choices or by making music with others. Through the study of Music at Fortismere, students will develop a better understanding  of different cultures, the common threads that tie us together across our global society and how music can be used as a powerful tool for good in the world. Within the Music Department we strive to teach our students how emotions can be expressed, how imagination can be sparked through composition, listening and performing and ultimately  to ignite an interest within our young musicians that will inspire a lifelong love of learning which will develop as they go through life beyond these early stages of their journey.  

The study of Music at Fortismere is underpinned by the development of key skills which will support our students both academically and emotionally. Our students will learn to analyse the music that they listen to and in doing so become more critical thinkers and active listeners, they will learn to recognise principal themes and how music is used as a way to express Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural differences. Through learning how to compose our students will learn to develop their own ideas, begin to express themselves emotionally and use their analysis of key universal themes into practice. These universal themes will include a range of genres, styles and traditions, including our great composers and musicians.  

Students will also have the opportunity to perform within groups or individually and in doing so will develop interpersonal, memory and evaluation skills. This will include singing and the use of voices, learning how to use instruments and technology in order to progress toward musical excellence These three areas of study will be evident in lessons and delivered by a team of music specialists dedicated to creating an exciting and challenging environment for all students of all abilities.

At Fortismere, the study of Music in the classroom is further complemented by extra-curricular opportunities which make the most of the opportunities in our local community and the wider world.  Students are able to take part in a variety of ensembles both within their own peer groups and as part of cross generational groups such as our Community Choir and Symphony Orchestra. They are also offered the chance to take part in workshops, seminars and concerts throughout the year as well make music within their local, wider and world community.



Fortismere Music Department is a  thriving, vibrant and creative hub; as a  specialist music department our mission is to nurture talent and to inspire high quality music making. We are based in a state-of-the-art Music Block in 'The Arts Complex' of North Wing, which houses two fully equipped recording studios, three classrooms, five peripatetic teaching rooms, twelve practice rooms, a music technology suite and a hall for rehearsals and concerts.

As a Department we  showcase our students talents throughout the year with annual Christmas Concerts as well as performance opportunities such as Music and Poetry, Charity Band Night and  Fortitude. We also regularly collaborate with a variety of groups such as the English Pocket Opera, The Crouch End Festival Chorus, Voces 8,  The London Sinfonietta and the English Baroque Choir at venues including the Barbican Centre, St John Smith Square and Cadogan Hall. This year we will also be working with visiting musicians from Markham College Peru for our Viva La Musica concert in June 2020.

At Fortismere we pride ourselves on our high quality music making and with this in mind we are able to offer our students plenty of playing opportunities throughout the week. This includes weekly rehearsals for Choirs, String Ensembles, Guitar Groups, Big Band and Orchestra; for our more advanced students we also offer the opportunity to play with our Community Orchestra or sing with our Community Choir. These two groups form part of our Fortismere Music Centre which is open to the public on a Saturday and offers high quality music lessons and ensembles. Both groups perform throughout the year with highlights for 2019/20 including the Passion according to St Matthew and the York Bowen Viola Concerto performed by international soloist Timothy Ridout.

With a dedicated and expert team of 4 music staff and 20 visiting instrumental/ vocal teachers over 250 students benefit from high quality individual instrumental/ vocal lessons that take place each week. International music tours are a highlight of our calendar with previous tours including: Italy, France, Ireland, Spain, China and Italy with a trip to Peru planned for July 2021.

All ensemble activities take place in the Music Block.

To enquire about instrumental and vocal lessons, please email: Alternatively you can download an application form.

Music Centre - Saturday Only

Download an application form for FMC Saturday sessions →

Contact the Music Department

 Mr E Jefferies

Director of Music
Ms M Topping Classroom and Music Technology Teacher

Mr S Cohen

Classroom and Music Technology Teacher
Ms A Patel Head of Music (Curriculum)


Fortismere Music Centre

Information on The Fortismere Music Centre, Music department, community projects and upcoming concerts can be found here