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Our Staff

The school has over 130 teachers; a ratio of one teacher for approximately every 15 students. Additionally, there are learning support and teaching assistants, pastoral support managers, peripatetic music teachers, librarians, learning mentors, welfare officers, technicians, administrative officers and other support staff who all work to support the education of our students. It is a skilled staff with a balance of youth and experience. 

Details of our Senior Leadership Team, Heads of Year and Heads of Departments are listed below.  


Fortismere has two Co-Headteachers who share responsibility for the overall management of the school:

Ms Jo Davey

Jo Davey joined Fortismere initially as a part time consultant in 2013 while Deputy Head teacher at Blanche Nevile School. Previously she worked in Camden first in schools as a History and Politics teacher and finally as a school improvement consultant with responsibility for vulnerable groups. She had experience as a middle and senior leader before joining Camden Local Authority and while in the latter role received training as an Ofsted inspector, a role with which she has continued.

Prior to joining Fortismere full time as Deputy Headteacher, Ms Davey worked part time for Camden as the  Senior Secondary Advisor and at Fortismere. At Fortismere, Ms Davey has worked with the Senior Leadership Team on school improvement with a specific remit for inclusion.

Ms Davey attended Creighton School and is looking forward to co-leading a school which has managed to maintain its liberal roots while improving academic outcomes within an inclusive ethos.

Ms Zoe Judge

Zoe Judge joined Fortismere in 2002 as a pastoral leader and a member of the English Department having begun her teaching career at a high-performing school in Barking and Dagenham.  She was initially a Head of Year and has over the years taught Fortismere students across the key stages in English, Media and film.  In 2006 she joined the school leadership team as the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Key Stage 3.  In 2010 she moved across to Tetherdown, becoming Director of 6th Form as position which she held until 2016 when she stepped in for a term as Acting Head of Fortismere.

During her time as Director of Sixth Form Ms Judge built strong links with local 6th forms across Haringey, Enfield and Hertfordshire to create Fortismere as a ‘hub’ for higher education preparation events using links from both Oxford and Cambridge universities.  She has also sat on a number of Haringey-based steering groups aimed at improving outcomes for our students regardless of their backgrounds or starting points.

Ms Judge is well-known to the Fortismere community has in the past been involved in a number of community events including the organisation of Fortitude with the FSA for some years and through playing the violin in the Fortismere’s Community Orchestra and is delighted to be co-leading the school at a very exciting time in the school’s history.

You can contact the Co-Headteachers by email:

Senior Leadership Team 

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) consists of the following staff.   A copy of the SLT structure and areas of responsibility is available to download here 

Deputy Heads 
Mr E. Scott
Ms K. Sullivan

Assistant Heads 
Mr D Barsby
Ms E. Brooks
Ms L. Common
Mr N. Fari
Ms F. Herrero

Senior Leaders 
Ms K. Allaway
Ms K. Holder

Director of Operations
Ms L. Prodromou

Heads of Year 7-13

Year 7
Head: Ms K Fox
Pastoral support manager: Ms P Nicholls

Year 8
Head: Ms A Boot
Pastoral support manager: Mr K Miller

Year 9
Head: Ms K Jackson
Pastoral support manager: Mr 

Year 10
Head: Ms I Cuenca
Pastoral support manager: Ms L Brown

Year 11
Head: Ms K Williams
Pastoral support manager: Ms L Haigh

Year 12-13
Head of Year 12: Mr G Lewis
Head of Year 13: Ms L. Bailey & Mr B. Kenny


Heads of Department

Ms M. Powell

Ms S. Kalantari

Mr A. Hann

Ms L. Overs

Economics/Business Studies
Mr M. Renner

Ms A. Salter

Ms R. Sheldon

Mr L. Higgins

Mr M. Yakup

Modern  Languages
Mr P. Rainey

Mr J. Nagata

Mr M. Watson 

Mr M. Hawkes

Philosophy, Religion & Ethics
Mr S. Aldridge

Mr N. Commons

Ms J. Duggan

Mr A. Hann

Mr D. Liggett


Please see our Contact Us page for details of how to contact the school

*** Info for Staff ***

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