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What should I do if I have a query about:

Topic Contact
Contacting a student in an emergency Call the Main Office on 020 8365 4400
Informing the school that my child is sick Leave a message asap on the Attendance Line: 020 8365 4429 or email
Informing the school of any unexpected daily absence Leave a message asap on the Attendance Line: 020 8365 4429 or email
Problems within my child's Tutor Group Contact your child's Tutor
Friendship issues in school Contact your child's Tutor
Bullying issues Contact your child's Tutor
Long-term Absences (over one week) Contact your child's Head of Year
Requesting a Leave of Absence for any reason (including for music exams, appointments, funerals etc) Visit the Requesting a Leave of Absence page and complete the Leave of Absence form
Academic Progress across School Contact your child's Head of Year
Issues with Homework Email Subject Teacher
Issues with Subject Email Subject Teacher
Academic Progress within Subject Email Head of Department
Queries within Subject Email Head of Department
General Information or School Issue Email Office on or call on 020 8365 4400
ParentMail query Email Office on or call on 020 8365 4400
Sixth Form Email
Exams Email
Booking Parents' Evening appointments Email or call on 020 8365 4400
Lockers Students can speak to a member of the Admin Team in the SW or NW Office
Fortismere Music Centre (Saturday School) Email
Lettings Email
Making a Complaint See our Complaints Policy for course of action

Most general issues relating to your child should be addressed to their Tutor in the first instance. If you wish to escalate an enquiry, please then contact their Head of Year. If you wish to take the matter further, please then contact one of our Assistant Headteachers or Deputy Heads. Only in exceptional circumstances should the Co-Headteachers be contacted about an individual child.

Some Common Scenarios

My child cannot access funds for the Canteen.

Check their balance on ParentMail and update if necessary. If you are having technical problems with ParentMail, email the Office on or call on 020 8365 4400

More information can be found here.

My child feels unwell during the school day.

Students who feel unwell during lessons should inform their teacher. The teacher will send them, with a note, to the nearest medical room (North or South Wing). The Welfare Officer will see them there and assess their ability to stay in school. If they need to be sent home, the Welfare Officer will contact the parent/carer. Students who are ill may not leave school alone - they must be collected. Students must not contact their parents/carers direct (mobile phones are not permitted in school hours).

My child needs to leave school during the school day for a pre-arranged appointment (eg doctor or dentist).

Please visit the Requesting a Leave of Absence page where you can also access the online Leave of Absence form. With permission, students may leave school during the day for their appointment. They must go to either North or South Wing office to be signed out.

My child is returning from an appointment during the school day, or is in late because of an appointment first thing. What should they do?

Students coming in late because of a pre-arranged appointment, or returning to school after an appointment, must enter school via South Wing gate (on Tetherdown). They must have evidence of their appointment and should then go straight to class.

I wish to take my child out of school during term-time.

Please visit the Requesting a Leave of Absence page for more information.

On SIMS, it states that my child has 2 absences, but they have only been off for 1 day.

We take the register twice each day - once in the morning and once in the afternoon. If a child is absent for one full day, it will show as two absences (authorised or unauthorised). Our systems take this into account we know that this means one day's absence only.

My child has lost their coat/bag/PE kit etc.

We recommend that items which might easily be mislaid are labelled. However, if an item is handed in, Lost Property can be found in North and South Wing Offices. Any items of PE kit might also be found in the PE Department. Items are kept for a half-term and then disposed of.

I wish to book a meeting with a Co-Headteacher.

In a school of over 1700 students, it is not possible for the Co-Headteachers to be fully briefed on every student. There is a comprehensive structure in place to support your child, including their Tutor and Head of Year. For most queries, please contact them in the first instance. The Co-Headteachers are available at key school events throughout the year and at group briefing sessions if/when they are deemed necessary.

I wish to contact the School Governors.

If you would like to contact the School Governors, please email the Clerk to the Governors, Ms Sam Murray, at or via

I am a prospective parent. Can I book a visit to the school?

Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to organise individual tours of the school during the year. Our prospective parents' evenings for entry to Year 7 will be announced on the school website and is usually held in September

How do I make a complaint?

You should look at our Complaints Policy in the first instance. There are 4 stages to the Complaints Procedure:

Stage One - Informal: Talk to the class teacher or relevant member of staff

Most concerns can be resolved quickly and effectively by the class teacher or the relevant member of staff. Contact the school to make an appointment or to find out when the member of staff is available to talk to you. 

Stage Two – Informal: Contact the relevant Head of Department/Head of Year or Assistant Head

If you were not able to resolve your concern at Stage One you should then contact the relevant Head of Department, Head of Year or Assistant Headteacher to discuss the matter further. The aim at this stage is to establish the nature of the ongoing concern, what has been discussed with the school so far and what actions, if any, have already been taken.  It is hoped that most problems will be resolved through the informal stages of this procedure.

Stage Three – Formal: Contact the Co-Headteachers

If your concern is still unresolved you may wish to pursue it further by raising it formally with the Co-Headteachers. Send your complaint in writing, to the Co-Headteachers. You should explain clearly the concern that has previously been discussed at stage one and stage two and why you feel that the issue is still not resolved. Explain what you think might resolve the matter. The Co-Headteachers will investigate or nominate another senior member of staff to deal with the matter on their behalf. 

Stage Four – Formal: Complaint to the Chair of Governors

If you are not satisfied with the response from the Co-Headteachers, or if the complaint directly concerns the Co-Headteachers, you can make a formal written complaint to the Chair of Governors. Email the Clerk to Governors at The Clerk will forward your complaint to the Chair of Governors. The Chair of Governors will investigate or arrange for a group of governors to investigate. Governors will arrange to meet with you and others involved to discuss the matter. The Governors’ decision is final and represents the end of the school’s complaints procedure. Governors can:

  • Offer an apology, an explanation or an admission that the situation could have been handled differently
  • Undertake to review policies and procedures
  • Uphold or dismiss the complaint in whole or in part
  • Decide on the appropriate action to be taken to resolve the complaint

Can I obtain a paper copy of information on the website?

Yes, if you require a paper copy of any of the information on our website, this can be provided free of charge. Please contact the office by emailing

When is the school closed this year, and are there any late starts or early closures?

This information can be found on our Key Dates page.