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solar panels

Sustainability features strongly at Fortismere, whether as a curriculum area or in the management of the school's own carbon footprint.

Sustainability teaching is embedded into the curriculum across subjects such as Geography, Science, Design and Technology and Citizenship. Our Head of Geography, Kirsty Holder, leads our sustainability programme. Initiatives that she has led have included a sustainability theme day for KS3 students, a popular competition to name the best and worst teachers for energy saving awareness and a presentation to students by the architects of our BSF music building on sustainability aspects of the build. 

We enjoy a close working relationship with Muswell Hill Sustainability Group (MHSG) and have received government funding for solar panels. These were installed on our sports hall in Summer 2010 and generate electricity for the school. 

We recognise that as a school with nearly 1700 pupils we have the potential to influence the behaviour of many in our local community. Students involved in energy saving at school are influencing their parents to make similar changes in their homes.