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The curriculum offered at Fortismere is broad, balanced and engaging; offering challenge, opportunity and support with a focus on smaller class sizes and setting structures to enable more effective learning. With a well above average intake, early setting by ability in Year 7 in many subjects enables a personalised approach to the development of each child. The curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of all of our pupils, enabling fast tracking and challenge for the more able whilst providing additional support for those who need it.

A combination of broad and fine setting is used. Year 7 pupils will be set at half term of the Autumn term in Maths. In Languages, in January of Year 7 (or at the end of their 3 weeks of Mandarin), students are tested on what they have learned in French, Spanish and Mandarin. These tests are used, along with teacher evaluation, to identify which students would benefit from continuing with two languages, should they wish to. Students are set in Year 9 for Science. For other subjects are in mixed ability classes in Key Stage 

Students will be placed in sets based on the following:

  • Analysis of data (KS2 assessments, learning reviews)
  • CATs tests
  • Performance in topic tests and assessments
  • Teacher assessment of classwork and homework

Students may be reset at any point in KS3 depending on results of assessment. Parents will be informed of any change of set.

Most departments begin the GCSE curriculum in Year 9 creating time for greater depth of study at Key Stage 4 and providing fast tracking opportunities. Pupils study French or Spanish in Year 7. Pupils in the top language sets will study an additional language from January (Mandarin or German) and will be expected to continue with these languages as a dual MFL option in KS4. Similarly pupils in the top Science sets will study the three separate sciences at GCSE.

The school places great emphasis on the development of the whole person. All students follow a PHSE / Citizenship programme, which includes religious studies, physical and sex education.