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Why study Politics?

If you have an interest in how political decisions are reached and who has the power to influence them you will enjoy this course. It provides many opportunities for discussion and debate, and complements the study of many other AS subjects, such as History and Philosophy, extremely well.

What will I study?

Year 12

Module 1 - People and Politics (25% of total A Level)
This unit introduces students to the key channels of communication between government and the people. It encourages them to evaluate the adequacy of existing arrangements for ensuring representative democracy and participation.

Module 2 - Governing the UK (25% of total A Level)
This unit introduces students to the major governmental processes in the UK. It encourages them to develop a critical understanding of the role and effectiveness of key institutions, and of the relationship amongst them in the context of multi-level government,

Year 13 (Political ideologies)

Module 3 - Key Themes in Political Analysis: Introducing Political Ideologies
(25% of the total A level)
An introduction to the subject of political ideology; an examination of the major ideas of liberalism, conservatism and socialism.

Module 5 - Extended Themes in Political Analysis: Other Ideological Traditions
(25% of the total A Level)
Examines the ideological traditions that have developed out of, or have emerged in opposition to, liberalism, conservatism and socialism (i.e nationalism, anarchism, fascism, and feminism).

How will I study?

Through a mixture of teacher-led activity, student presentations, debate and workshops. You will work in groups and individually. A number of visits (parliament, Downing Street) and conferences are organised. You will be required to read around the subject extensively and stay up to date with current political events.