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Inclusion at Fortismere is part of our whole school philosophy and is encompassed in everything we do throughout our students’ education with a strong focus on giving our students the best start in life.  We believe in ensuring they receive a personalised approach to their learning, resulting in them making as much progress as possible regardless of their starting point.

There are many support mechanisms within the school aimed at supporting students with additional learning/social/emotional/medical needs as well as those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our staff work collaboratively to identify, intervene and monitor students who require additional support and key members of staff meet fortnightly in our Inclusion panel to discuss concerns and how individual students can best be supported.

Should you have any specific questions or queries about Inclusion or LINC please do contact us and we will be happy to help.

Useful Documents

Read our SEN ( Special Education Needs) and Disability policy for more information about inclusion at Fortismere. Please also read our SEN information report, which tells you how we support students with special educational needs and/or disabilities.   You can also find out about the support available from Haringey Local Authority in their Local Offer

“Social Media and the Use of Technology Presentation from Parent/Carer Workshop on 14.02.19”here

Contact the LINC Team

Learning & Inclusion
Mr N Fari - Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion) including SENCO:

Ms S Carrim – Specialist SEN Teacher/Access Arrangement Coordinator:
Ms A Dutton – Lead Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA):   
Ms L Hudson - Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA): 
Ms P Nicholls on maternity leave Sept 2022 – Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA):

EAL Support

Ms V Ingerslev, EAL Co-ordinator,

Parent & Student Engagement

Ms R Harris, Parent & Student Engagement Officer: