Film Studies
Why Study Film Studies?
EDUQAS A Level in Film Studies is designed to deepen students’ understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of film, the major art form of the 20th century and a cultural form of great significance. Students will engage in a vast range of film texts, developing skills of observation, critical analysis and personal reflection as well creating their own short film. Students who undertake this A-level enjoy it enormously and many go on to study film at university.
What Will I Study?
Unit 1: Varieties of Film and Filmmaking [35% of overall mark]
This paper consists of three essay questions based up on the following sections:
- Classic Hollywood – a comparison of two classic Hollywood films and how the production and in particular how the auteur helped to shape the finished product. You will also analyse and evaluate the cinematic techniques used within these films and study the importance of cinematography, composition and production design.
- Modern Hollywood – a comparison of two modern Hollywood films. You will analyse and evaluate the production, cinematic techniques present within the films and explore how film displays ideological messages present from the time the films were made or set. You will also delve into the production of the films and analyse how the contexts of the films helped to shape the finished product.
- British Film – a comparison of two British films. You will explore the history of British film and how it is presented through cinema. You will analyse the cinematic techniques of two films and explore the ideological messages present within. You will also look at how the contexts of production aided in the creation of the final product.
Unit 2: Global Filmmaking Perspectives [35% of overall mark]
This paper consists of four essay questions based upon the following sections:
- Global Film – a study of two international films one produced in Europe one from outside of Europe. You will analyse two films and look at how film making techniques are used to craft messages for the spectator.
- Documentary – a study of the techniques and processes used within documentary filmmaking. You will study the differing techniques used by various documentary filmmakers and the impact hese have upon the spectator as well as exploring how technology has changed the way that documentaries are made.
- Silent Cinema – a study of the silent film movement. You will study some classic films of the silent era and explore how cinematic techniques were developed in order to communicate silently to the audience.
- Experimental film – a study of how films experiment with form and structure. You will study one film and explore how it uses narrative and/or form in an experimental way in order to change the experience of cinema going for the spectator.
Unit 3: Production [30% of overall mark]
This unit consists of producing one short film and an evaluative essay commenting upon your work.
You will plan, write and produce a short film totalling 4-5 minutes in length based upon one of the briefs set by the exam board.