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Please see below information about exams at Fortismere including exam policies and guidance and supporting information.

The Exams Officer at Fortismere is Ms Dev Rawji - if you have any queries about exams please email


IN Person Collection of results

Results can be collected in person from school on the National Results Days at the following times

A Level & BTEC Level 3  Thursday 15 August 2024 9.00am-11.00am
GCSE & BTEC Awards & Technical Results Thursday 22 August 9.00am-11.00am

Third Party Collection and Postal Notification of Results

Candidates who want their summer exam results posted to their home address must provide the Exams Office with an A4 self-addressed envelope (full name and postal address) with a LARGE 1st class postage stamp.  Please note: Results will NOT be posted if the envelope does not have the full address and the correct postage stamp - the stamp must have the word large on it. Please ask at a post office for the right stamp.

Please hand this envelope into the Exams Office before your final summer exam or before FRIDAY 12th July 2024.

 If you wish someone else to collect your summer results, you must complete and hand in a signed Permission Form to the main School Reception in South Wing or send it by email to before FRIDAY 12 JULY 2024 stating who will be collecting your results. The nominated person will have to provide photo ID when they come to the school to collect them. No results will be issued without written consent on file. 

Results will not be given out by telephone or email, under any circumstances. 

Summer results not collected on the day will be available for collection from the Exam Office after the beginning of term in September 2024.

summer 2024: GCSE & A-Level exams Timetable

Dates for the summer exam series have now been released.  You can download a copy of the exam timetables from the links below.

SUMMER 2024: Year 10 & Year 12 Mock exams Timetable

Year 10 summer mock exams will take place from 24/06/2024 to 05/07/2024 and Year 12 mock exams from 13/06/2404 to 26/06/2024. You can download a copy of the exam timetables from the links below.



Advice for parents whose children are sitting exams from the BBC

Young Minds also have information for parents and students on exam stress


Summer 2023 certificates are now ready to be collected from the South Wing reception anytime between 9am and 4pm (term-time only). The School is only required to keep your certificates for a year, so it is very important that you collect your certificates on time. Valid photo identification must be provided on collection and all certificate collections must be signed by the recipient. 

If you are unable to collect in person, you can give permission to a representative to do so on your behalf. Please complete the candidate permission form, sign it and hand it to the main school reception on the day of collection. The named representative must have a valid ID with them that will be the same as the ID details mentioned on the candidate permission form for verification.