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Art and Photography CURRICULUM



The Fortismere Art and Photography Department provides a challenging, structured and inclusive context for students’ engagement with Art and Photography. Our curriculum presents opportunities that recognise and shape the creative aspirations of our students, building on prior learning and teaching new ways for students to express themselves through visual language. We are dedicated to engendering students' productive and innovative participation in the world of visual arts as concerned and caring citizens of the global community.

Across nine schemes of work, each lasting one term, students are introduced to a breadth of ways to generate ideas and create work. For example responding to social issues, artists, traditional fine art genres and more abstract concepts. Students experience a range of techniques including ceramics, printmaking, painting and mixed media and there are opportunities for group work as well as more independent study.

Each year students also complete a research project. This opportunity allows them to develop their ability to critically analyse sources, synthesise information and present their findings in creative ways that express their understanding about the chosen artist. Students are encouraged to use a sketchbook to present their research as well as the practical tasks set in class and for homework. 

The Art and Photography curriculum is designed to enable students to develop new and build upon existing skills through careful department planning, preparation, set tasks, homework and the repetition of technical processes. The department website provides a live resource for parents, teachers and students to support teaching and learning. The curriculum and department is further enriched by a wealth of art practitioners connected to the school via the parent / carer body and Art and Photography alumni.

The Art and Photography Department is inclusive and we have an excellent record of supporting disadvantaged and minority students.  Tasks are differentiated appropriately to ensure that all students can access the curriculum and make progress within the subject.

The breadth of the KS3 Art curriculum and the quality of the provision provides a strong foundation for those students who wish to study the subject at GCSE and beyond. Access to art practitioners also gives students insight into further education and careers within the arts, breaking down preconceived ideas about the opportunities available and the economic, social and reputational value the creative industries deliver.

The Art Department also values those students who may not wish to continue with their art studies beyond Year 9 and takes its role in their development as visually literate citizens very seriously. It is our aim that these students have the skills to lead lives that are happier, healthier, more sociable, and enriched through access to culture and creativity.



Art KS4 Curriculum Map

The Art Department keeps all of its resources, lessons and exemplar work on its own website in order for students and parents to be able to access the work from home.  Please click here for KS4 Art


Art KS5 Curriculum Map

The Art Department keeps all of its resources, lessons and exemplar work on its own website in order for students and parents to be able to access the work from home.  Please click here for KS5 Art


Photography KS4 Curriculum Map

The Photography Department keeps all of its resources, lessons and exemplar work on its own website in order for students and parents to be able to access the work from home.  Please click here for KS4 Photography


Photography KS5 Curriculum Map

The Photography Department keeps all of its resources, lessons and exemplar work on its own website in order for students and parents to be able to access the work from home.  Please click here for KS5 PhotographyEXTRA CURRICULAR

Contact the Art and Photography Department


Ms M Powell Head of Art

Ms A Williams 

Art and DT Teacher

Mr A Cristiano

Art Teacher

Mr G Holden

Art & Photography Teacher

Mr R Woolley

Art Teacher

Mr S Hesse Photography & Art Teacher