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SF Said works with Year 8s

Our Patron of Reading, SF Said, worked with Year 8s on creative writing. How inspiring to have a published author giving students ideas and advice!

Our Patron of Reading, SF Said, spent the afternoon of 27th November working on creative writing with two of our Y8 classes.  The most important fact about becoming an author, he  said, was that you must write a story that you would want to read.  The students had lots of great ideas including quite a few gory ones, but everyone produced a fine first draft within a five minute limit and some were even brave enough to share with the class.  (Unlike SF, who never shares his first drafts with anyone as he says they are terrible!)  SF will be returning several times in 2016 to continue working with these students.

Here’s a link to SF’s blog about the afternoon - he would be delighted to receive comments from any of the students he met.