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Fortismere's Favourite book chosen!



The library was packed with family and friends for our Reading Champions evening on Tuesday 3rd July.  This event was founded by author S F Said during his time as Fortismere’s Patron of Reading and we were delighted that he came back to be our chairman.  All Year 7 students have been reading books from a special list and had to present their favourites to their English groups.  A winner was then chosen to represent their class.  So much effort was put into the presentations, the passion for the books was obvious and their confident performances in front of such a huge audience were impressive and greatly appreciated.  Phoenix by SF Said (honestly, this wasn’t a fix!) was voted as Fortismere’s Favourite (well done Zaki, 7Y5).  But in our opinion, everyone was a winner (including England – yes, we made it home in time for the match!)

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