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Our Vision

At Finch, we pride ourselves on transformative education which enables future success. We encourage independence, confidence and a sense of responsibility for themselves and others. Our ambition is for students to engage positively with their learning experience to become life-long contributors to society. 


We have clearly defined core values which set out our terms of practice and inform the Finch community about how we work together to fulfil our vision.

C – O – R – E 

Communication - Verbal, written, active, interpersonal, conversational, and communication which support learning. Open to change - Developing a growth mind set, encouraging challenge, curiosity, problem-solving - resulting in success. Respect - Encouraging positive relationships, developing self-respect and respect for others. Encouraging kindness - Fostering an environment of belonging, support, empathy and compassion. Celebrating all acts of kindness aims


  • To have a positive impact on the student
  • To support knowledge and behaviour growth through well-planned and relevant lessons
  • To establish respect, kindness and hard work
  • To prepare students for their return to their next academic chapter
  • To encourage an understanding of the value of education
  • To communicate effectively with all stakeholders
  • To develop work through community links
  • To celebrate success

Contact US


Tel: 0208 365 4455 Finch mainline

Tel: 0208 365 4400 ext 303 Ms Allaway

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