sixth form team
Ms L Common Director of Sixth Form |
Mr B Kenny & Ms L Bailey Deputy Directors of Sixth Form (Y13) |
Mr G Lewis Deputy Director of Sixth Form (Y12) |
Ms C Montague Independent Learning Coordinator |
Ms E Temple Deputy Learning Manager (Attendance & Punctuality) |
Ms S Jackson Sixth Form Administrator |
Ms A Andreou Careers Advisor |
Sixth Form Tutor Team |
Form Tutors and Tutor Time
Students in the Fortismere Sixth Form are organised into form groups, overseen by a specialised team of Sixth Form tutors who have a wealth of experience in supporting young people make the transition to Sixth Form study and, eventually, to successfully apply for their next steps beyond school.
Students attend form time regularly throughout the week, where they benefit from a pastoral curriculum including:
- Life Lessons (PSHRSE)
- VESPA (focused on developing successful learning habits and routines)
- Futures (focused on supporting students to research and prepare for post-18 education and training)
Sixth Form students also attend an assembly once a week. During the final form time each week, tutors schedule one to one mentoring meetings with their tutees in order to provide individualised pastoral support.
If a student has any worries or concerns, or if a parent has any worries or concerns about their young person, in most instances their form tutor is the most appropriate first point of contact.