Careers education, Information and Guidance
Fortismere is committed to providing a programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) to all students that will inspire and motivate them to become confident self-managers of their own future career pathways. A copy of the school's Careers Education Advice & Guidance policy is available here
Fortismere School uses the Gatsby Benchmarks as a guide to plan our careers education programme. The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges. You can read more about the Benchmarks here
Fortismere School proactively seeks to build relationships with external partners as we plan our Careers Education activities. External providers have multiple opportunities to speak to students and their parents across Years 7-13, to offer information on vocational, technical and apprenticeship qualifications and pathways. Education and training providers can find more details in our Provider Access Statement here
At Fortismere we are committed to delivering high quality Careers Information, Advice and Guidance to all students from Years 7-13. We have developed a proposed Careers Education Development Plan for the remainder of this academic year and the following year, which will be updated throughout the year. You can access the Careers Education Development Plan here
Careers Advisor
Our careers advisor is available to see students across all year groups either by self-referral or by referral through Form Tutors or Heads of Year. If you have any queries about careers education at Fortismere please contact our careers advisor Ms A Andreou